Sunday, May 25, 2008

Celtic wisdom

Think where man's glory most begins and ends
And say my glory was I had such friends.

~William Butler Yeats

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Hickory dickory dock

Yesterday was Aimee's baby shower.
Theme: storybooks + nursery rhymes.

I believe it's safe to use the old adage, A good time was had by all.

The cake (The Cow Jumped Over the Moon), crafted by our friends Sue and Debbie, who could seriously be on Ace of Cakes:

Table decor:

Mom (Organizer) + Me (helper):

The guest of honor, holding our friends' daughter Hannah:


Adorable little guests:

Hannah + her baby brother Grant

Aimee's nieces, Maya + Isabel

Sofia (Aimee's niece) + Hannah

Alli, Aimee's niece +helper

The planning was a long, sometimes arduous process.
But it was worth every moment.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Cabeza rojo

I have long harbored a desire to dye my hair candy apple red.

But I decided that may be a bit over the top for a job-seeker like myself.
So I decided to go with a darker, burgundy-ish red.

Since my hair is freakishly thick, I decided to enlist assistance from Mom and Aimee.
Kudos to them for being so meticulous, making sure every last strand was vibrant with chemical brilliance.

I'm very happy with the results.
Those stray gray strands were no match for my stylists.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Not gonna phone it in tonight...

I miss the days when Saturday Night Live was funny.

Man I loved Chris Farley.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Pictorial travelogue

My friends Chris, James, JJ and Philip are in a band, Themab.

On Friday night, they played a show at a church in St. Johns, and I tagged along to see the show and take a few snapshots.

Saturday night was Lizz's birthday dinner.
She turns 17 today.
We went to Mongolian Barbecue, where there was no shortage of embarrassment awaiting the poor girl.

Later, I went with my parents over to our friends Paul + Becky's house. While Mom and Becky discussed plans for my Aimee (my sister-in-law)'s baby shower on Saturday (I probably should've been helping...oh well), I played with their adorable 2-year-old daughter Hannah. She looooved playing with my necklace.

Good times, good times.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Cravings, anyone?

In the "Trashy Eats" community over on livejournal, I came across a photo of the "Stoner Pie" specialty from Gumby's Pizza.

Pepperoni, bacon, mozzarella sticks and french fries.

Um, wow.

I have no words.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Sing Sang Samsung

New phone, y'all.
Red BlackJack II.

After the crap-disguised-as-phone I've been using for four months, I am elated to have such a classy upgrade.

My parents are indescribably gracious people.

And it was only $45 with a 2-year contract.

Sprint, I bid thee adieu.


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